Moving abroad is an expensive endeavor and finances are undoubtedly at the forefront of your mind as you prepare for the big move. There will be expenses of all sorts, a few which are more unpredictable, others that will be unexpected, some that may only apply to your situation like moving kids and pets or that piece of furniture that you just can’t let go.
One of the more predictable expenses to consider is acquiring your UK nursing license, which is commonly referred to as an NMC PIN, or simply your PIN.
So whether you are only just starting to play with the idea of nursing in the UK, or you’re diving into the details, it’s worth preparing for the costs outlined in this post.
I used to have the $ equivalent alongside the £ but with exchange rates changing all the time, it’s best if you check current exchange rates in real time.
How much does it cost to get a nursing license in the UK?
Qualification and Evaluation fee £140
The Qualification and Evaluation Application is the application you complete for the NMC so they can look at your nursing qualifications, employment, personal details, etc. and decide if you are eligible to apply for your UK licence.
You pay this fee once you’ve filled out and submitted the application and it is non-refundable.
Computer Based Test (CBT) £83
This is an exam which you can take in the US at a Pearson VUE testing center – I took mine at the local Ivy Tech. If you don’t pass the exam, you’ll have to take it again, and pay for it again.
The most current version of the test has 2 parts. A full resit is £83, just Part A is £50, just Part B is £70. You can resit up to 3 times before your application closes and you have to start all over again in 6 months.
Read more about the CBT in this post.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) £794
The OSCE is the in-person exam you have to take in the UK. The fee is paid to the testing center before taking the exam.
The most recent version has 10 stations. A full resit (if you fail more than 7 stations) is full price. A partial resit (7 stations or less) is £397 ($538)
For the legacy OSCE that has 6 stations, you can pay the partial resit fee if you fail 4 stations or less.
Registration fee £153
This is the least painful of all the fees. Paying this means you’ve passed all the tests! I honestly couldn’t give them my money fast enough.
Breakdown of fees
Link to the NMC Website for the most up to date info
Qualification and evaluation fee – £140
Computer based test (also called CBT or Test of Competence Part 1) – £83 per test
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (also called OSCE or Test of Competence Part 2) – £794 first sitting
Registration Fee (paid once you pass all steps) – £153
TOTAL = £1170
Potential additional fees that aren’t listed
FBI background check $50-$100
Depending on the channeler you use, the method, and whether or not you want to expedite it. I ended up having to get 2 of these because my first one expired…
OSCE prep course
You may be considering an OSCE prep course if your hospital does not have one of their own.
There may be a variety of things you’ll need to mail. It’s been 5 years since I went through the process and more and more of the forms are being done online, so there is probably less than $50 of postage to pay depending on things like how fast you want it to be sent and if you want to track the item (I’d recommend tracking on any documents you send).
Calls to the NMC (Skype)
If your phone company charges you an arm and a leg to call abroad, then go ahead and dust off that old app Skype. You can add $10 of credit and call the UK for 2 cents a minute. Then when you move, you can use it to call the US for the same price. Those $10 have lasted me years.
Flights to (and possibly from) the UK. If you take the OSCE before moving over you’ll have to visit at least once to do the in person exam.
Extra copies of original documents
You may need to pay for another birth certificate, marriage license, divorce decree or any other official document that you want to have available to you once you move. The NMC and the Home Office will also ask for some of these, so it’s worth getting a few.
Some ways to decrease the costs
UK tax relief (like a tax return) – click here to see the form that you can fill out after you have been in the UK working in the NHS. They will repay some of the taxes on fees or expenses associated with being a nurse.
After you take the CBT, some Trusts will fund your OSCE. If you pass first time, great! But if you need to resit the exam, be aware that not all Trusts fund resits. (resit cost between £397-£794)
More questions than answers?
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