
Nursing in the UK

Are you an internationally educated nurse exploring the possibility of moving to the UK? If so, you’ve come to the right place – welcome!

In 2017, I went through the process of getting my nursing registration in the UK with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). At the time, there weren’t many resources out there for American nurses moving to the UK. And I fear, all this time later, there still isn’t much readily available info that tells it how it is.

For me, it was a long and frustrating process which took an entire year. Every step filled me with doubt and anxiety. I couldn’t have done it had I not met other nurses who were doing the same thing. Together we supported each other through the confusing journey of becoming American nurses in the UK.

On the blog

In 2020 I started Anywayward as a way to share my experiences and any information that I think can help other nurses realize their dream of moving to the UK. I’m keen to share the knowledge I’ve gained with those of you embarking on this journey.

On the blog you’ll find free content to help you get an idea of the process, like these posts here.


And if you love freebies… and who doesn’t?! … I’ve created a free timeline that goes through each step of getting your license in the UK.

Looking for more?

In the last couple of years it has become apparent that there’s so much more I can do to ease the frustration and anxiety that comes with the decision to move your nursing career abroad.

It’s a HUUUGGE and exciting adventure. Thrilling yet oh so terrifying!

In response to the need, I launched my beta course Nurse Your Way to the UK at the start of 2024. Enrollment will only be open a limited number of times per year and the next dates have not been announced yet.

Alongside this I’m offering 1:1 sessions where we can talk all things international nursing with your goals, your timeline and your questions in mind.

Read more about the current offers if working with me sounds right up your street.

Free resources are already on the blog, but finding the time to create high quality posts about these topics takes so much time. So, if you’ve read all there is online, but you still have questions… maybe it’s time to get in touch.

Still on the fence? Consider a FREE discovery call where we have 20 minutes to say hello, talk things through, and explore the ways we can work together.

Orrrrr, if you want to keep thing casual you can slide into my DMs on Instagram.

Talk soon, friend!